Current topicsNews from
the sector
Here you will find the latest news and industry-specific information in the field of high speed milling and spark erosion. You will also find an overview of upcoming trade fairs and reports on past events, such as our in-house application workshops.
Excellent - Our strength in high speed milling, spark erosion and automation
Highest process quality
We rely on strict quality controls, innovative technologies and highly qualified specialists to ensure that every solution and machine that leaves our company meets the highest requirements. To realize this, we continuously challenge ourselves and respond to the changing needs of the industry.

Convince yourself of our technological advantage:
- Made in Germany
- Highest precision
- Superior technologies
- Customer-focused solutions
- Intelligent technology combination
We advise with the necessary vision and focus on our core competencies in high speed milling, spark erosion and automation. We revitalize our POWER FOR TECHNOLOGY every day. We break new digital ways to use technologies and optimize processes that offer our customers a better result. Our claim to digitalization and automation is based on a deep understanding of the industry, materials and customers, which is reflected in our solutions.